Happy 35th birthday to Rowan!
October 2, 2019

Rowan, the Cambridge-based charity and arts centre, is celebrating its 35th anniversary in style this November – and you are invited!
Dame Norma Major, who is Rowan’s patron, along with the trustees cordially invite you to Rowan’s 35th Birthday Party at the Guildhall, Cambridge, on Friday 8 November from 6.30-10.30pm. There will be drinks on arrival, a ceilidh, luxury buffet and more! Sponsored by ARM.
Rosalind Morgan, Rowan Chair, said: “When Rowan started in 1984, we represented a change, a change to bring people with learning disabilities out of institutions into the community.
“Now, 35 years on, we have more than 70 student artists attending our studios each week. And they are creating art every day – whether in print, ceramics, textiles, mixed-media, woodwork, drama and music.
“But not only are we celebrating 35 years of all we have achieved, this event will help raise vital funds to allow us to continue making a difference for our student artists every day.”
Rowan is delighted to be one of the charities of the year for the Mayor of Cambridge Gerri Bird who will be attending the event: “I am delighted to have Rowan as one of my charities for the year. They do so much fantastic work in the community.”
Book tickets today through Cambridge Live on www.cambridgelive.org.uk or contact Rowan on hetti@rowanhumberstone.co.uk / 01223 566027.