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Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP)

Led by Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce and funded by the Department for Education.



National Apprenticeship Week 2024! #NAW2024!

National Apprenticeship Week is an annual celebration across the UK to highlight the benefits of apprenticeships. This years national themes is #skillsforlife.

The Chamber has collaborated with a number of businesses, apprentices and training providers across our region to highlight the benefits of apprenticeships.

We also collated information of the apprenticeships ‘hiring’ process and details of the apprenticeship levy.

Our full #NAW2024 campaign can be viewed here!


Click on one of the case studies to find out more! ↓↓↓

Skills Commitment Partnership

The Skills Commitment Partnership is the vehicle for collaborative change in skills across the region. By bringing together a range of stakeholders, the Partnership will enable action on recommendations set out in the LSIP.

The LSIP identified priority areas for the Local Skills Improvement Plan.

  • Digital
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Life Sciences
  • Agri-tech

Each of these priority areas will be considered alongside cross cutting themes including: digitalisation, green/low carbon, communications, skills brokerage, and careers.

The Chamber, with support from Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA), will be coordinating a collaborative response to the recommendations of the LSIP.

Register your interest

Register your interest in the LSIP.

Complete the form below to submit your enquiry to the Skills Commitment Partnership.

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
Terms & Conditions(Required)
By ticking this box, you confirm you are happy for Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce to store and process the information contained in this form (including your personal information), for purposes relating to the Local Skills Improvement Plan. For details of our privacy policy, please see www.cambridgeshirechamber.co.uk/legal/.


Draft Priorities – April 2023

LSIP events – February and March 2023

See below outputs from our workshops and seminar’s, which detail the emerging perceptions on skills gaps:


What is the LSIP?

Local Skills Improvement Plans are designed to set out the key changes needed in a local area to make technical skills training more responsive to employers’ needs.

LSIPs will:

  • Place employers at the heart of local skills systems.
  • Facilitate direct and dynamic working arrangements between employers and providers.
  • Provide an agreed set of actionable priorities that employers, providers and stakeholders in a local area can get behind to drive change.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) is funded by the Department for Education and independently led by Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce.

With support from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority – the LSIP represents an exciting approach to addressing skills gaps and identifying best practice in the region.

Click here for Department for Education information on LSIPs.

In the first stage of the Local Skills Improvement Plan, Cambridgeshire Chambers were tasked with:

Engaging the region

Recognising the valuable input different kinds of stakeholders can offer, Cambridgeshire Chambers opened our LSIP events and skills survey to everyone in the region.

From individuals who could share their experience of understanding the skills they need for their careers; to the views of small employers looking to recruit and expand their business.

Alongside talking directly to employers, local government representatives and third sector organisations, we have formed strong groups of stakeholders, including:

  • Education providers.
  • Business representative organisations (who bring the views of thousands of businesses within the region).
  • LSIP Advisory Group (including representatives from employers, education providers and third sector organisations).

Spreading the word

A vital part of the project is to ensure the skills challenges faced by employers of all shapes and sizes are captured.

To raise awareness of the project and encourage participation, Cambridgeshire Chambers promoted the opportunity for employers to contribute to the LSIP at events across the region. Including:

  • Cambridgeshire United and Peterborough United football matches
  • Informal networking events
  • Skill conferences
  • Business fairs
  • Careers fairs

Starting the conversation

To allow everyone the opportunity to contribute, we created an online skills survey and also gathered insights via paper surveys at in person events. To date we have insights from more than 250 responses.

We also held 12 events, which were ran across the region, in order to bring together the views of all kinds of stakeholders. Through this, more than 135 attendees shared their insights on the region’s skills needs, best practice and challenges.


Project update video (April 2023):



Click here for more information from the Department for Education.

Below are links to the LISP reports produced in March 2022 for the eight trailblazer regions:

Openness, fairness and transparency are important to us.

You can read our LSIP Conflicts of Interest Policy here and the Register of Interests for all staff working on the LSIP here.

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