Help lead the change on skills!
October 13, 2023

The Skills Commitment Partnership is a vehicle for collective action in response to the issues identified with the approved LSIP.
The purpose of the Skills Commitment Partnership (Partnership) is to meet and enhance the impact of the actionable priorities reported within the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) by driving coordination and collaboration across all the main Stakeholders and to provide recommendations for enhancing the experience of employers, training providers and residents within the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) region.
The Partnership will be made up of four Partnership Groups (Groups). The groups will be aligned to some of the priority sectors identified within the LSIP and consist of various stakeholder types – with an appropriate representation of regional stakeholders and employer representatives.
The four groups are:
- Digital and IT
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Life Sciences
- Agri-tech
Each of these groups will consider cross cutting themes of digitalisation, green/low carbon, communications, skills brokerage and careers.
The Partnership aims and objectives include:
- To support ongoing collaboration and monitor the effectiveness of the local actionable priorities.
- To work with providers and employers to ensure the approved LSIP actions are clear and remain appropriate, as well as to identify how employer skills needs can be better articulated in ways that are useful.
- To carry out continued employer engagement, working with other key stakeholders to better understand the evolving skills needs of employers and to support employer investment in skills.
- To bring together insights from employer engagement and collaboration via the Partnership Groups.
Lead the change!
✨Do you have a passion for skills?
✨Are you already focusing on skills?
✨Do you want to be a part of the change across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough?
Get involved now❗
visit the ‘How to get involved’ section of our page.