Remember loved ones with Arthur Rank Hospice’s Light up a Life film premiere this December
October 15, 2020

Arthur Rank Hospice Charity invites you to remember and celebrate the people you love on Sunday 6 December, with Light up a Life sponsored by Peasgood & Skeates. 2020 will be a unique year for the poignant event, with friends, family, supporters, colleagues and volunteers joining together to watch a special film premiere at 5.00pm that evening.
The Charity is working closely with local video production company, millriver tv, to capture the atmosphere of the event on film. In previous years, hundreds of visitors have gathered around a beautiful Christmas Tree in the Hospice car park to see its lights being switched on for the festive season. Whilst gathering in person will not be possible this year, the Hospice invites you to join them for the film premiere and to take part in mind and spirit.
The film-event will share songs and carols, poems and readings – as well as a moment of silent reflection for those watching to remember the people they love – before the tree lights are lit, to shine out into the night until the New Year. The service will be led by the Hospice’s Chaplain Keith Morrison, with contributions from the Bishop of Ely, Right Revd Stephen Conway at Ely Cathedral, Sean Martin from Peasgood & Skeates and Sing! Choirs led by Kathryn Rowland.
Keith explains how the Hospice hopes that the changes – whilst necessary due to social distancing regulations – will mean that more people are able to feel part of this year’s extraordinary Light up a Life event: “We’re pleased that, despite the challenges of this year which have been vast and many for all of us, we have created a novel way to still be able to share this precious moment.
“Light up a Life has a special place in all our hearts and means such a lot to so many people. We are hoping that the film format will mean many more people – who may have previously been unable to attend – feel they are part of a collective moment, where we pause, remember and celebrate those we have loved and lost.”
As those who have experienced the Hospice will know, its care embraces everyone and welcomes people of all faiths and no faith. Everyone is invited to the film premiere – which is free to watch – and to make a dedication to remember someone they hold dear, regardless of whether they were cared for by Arthur Rank Hospice.
Barry Morgan, Team Leader of the Hospice’s Community Team, shares why this year’s event is so important: “This year has been difficult for everyone. You may have been bereaved for the first time or had the absence of loved ones intensified by the pandemic. Through this year’s Light up a Life appeal and film, we’d like to give you the opportunity and time to acknowledge this.
“I could not have faced the challenges of my role this year without my team of excellent frontline care colleagues, and we’re honoured to be making a difference to local people’s lives every day. With your support, together, we have the opportunity to Light up a Life in every sense this winter. Please join us in remembering and celebrating people who may now be absent, but whose light is present in our own lives.”
The Hospice is now inviting dedications for the Light up a Life 2020 Commemorative Booklet, which will be posted to all supporters who place a dedication before Wednesday 18 November. To make a dedication and donation, please go to or call the fundraising team on 01223 675888.
The film will be able to be viewed on any computer, smartphone or tablet at, or via Arthur Rank Hospice Charity’s YouTube channel on a Smart TV. This year, the booklet will also include the order of service, which can be used to follow along during the viewing of the film.
As well as including the names of loved ones in the booklet, supporters are invited to write a dedication, wish or message on the back of a star. From Monday 7 December to Wednesday 6 January, the stars will be hung in the windows above the Hospice entrance adjacent to the magnificent tree, with its twinkling lights which will continue to shine bright throughout the festive season. The Light up a Life film will also remain online and available to view during this same time period, so it can be watched at a time which suits you and your family.
Arthur Rank Hospice Charity would like to extend its thanks to this year’s Light up a Life headline sponsors Peasgood & Skeates, and to East of England Co-op who have kindly sponsored the Christmas tree.
Donations from personal dedications will help towards the £4.27 million which needs to be raised by the Hospice this year, to help keep providing essential care to people living in Cambridgeshire with an advanced serious illness, or other life-limiting illness, and those who need end of life care. Thanks to the invaluable support of the local community, over 4,100 patients are cared for each year free of charge at the Hospice’s home in Shelford Bottom, the day treatment centre in Wisbech and in people’s own homes across Cambridgeshire via the Arthur Rank Community Team.