Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the nineteenth Annual General Meeting of the Cambridgeshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be held at Clifford House, 2 Station Yard, Oakington, Cambridge CB24 3AH on Thursday 24 November 2022 at 9.30am for transaction of the following business:
Ordinary Resolutions:
- Approval of the report of the Directors and the financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2022.
- Election of Directors;
Stephen Dighton, Michael Greene and Andrew Silley who were co-opted to the Board of Directors in September 2022 offer themselves for election as Directors for an initial three year period until the November 2025 Annual General Meeting.
- Re-appointment of Azets Audit Services Limited as auditors of the company.
- Authorising the Directors to determine the auditors’ remuneration.
Special Resolution;
THAT revised Articles of Association of the Company be adopted.
The Directors Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022 and the revised Articles of Association are available on the members’ section of the Chamber website.
A proxy form can be downloaded here; this must be returned by email or post to the registered office, 48 hours before the meeting.
By order of the Board
Michael Tolond
Company Secretary
September 2022
Registered office:
Clifford House, 2 Station Yard, Oakington, Cambridge CB24 3AH
Chamber office Clifford House, 2 Station Yard Oakington CB24 3AH
Event information
Chamber office