Building Resilience Through Humour

Research has shown that resilience is not extraordinary. It is not a trait that people either have or do not have. It is a learned ability that you can build, like humour. When you find yourself facing unwelcome change, having someone tell you to look for the humour in your situation may be the last thing you want to hear, but it may be just what you need to hear.

Don’t waste precious time in a self-pity party. Learn how Humour gives you the ability to avoid feelings of negativity and helplessness so you’re better able to see what needs to be done to move forward.


  • Discover why we need humour more than ever
  • Understand how resilience is built through humour
  • Learn the top strategies to start building resilience
  • Discover how to predict resiliency in people through their sense of humour.

This event supports Mental Health Awareness Week which takes place from 10–16 May.

During this pandemic, millions of us have experienced a mental health problem, or seen someone struggle. Some have seen their already fragile mental health plummet, while the support networks around us disappear. We must take this opportunity to step up the fight for mental health.

Meet our speaker:

Dr Vanessa Marcié, an expert on Humour and Leadership, is the founder and CEO of Leading With Humour, an innovative consulting firm that helps executives to harness the power of humour in their change management strategies.

She is an international speaker and pioneer of theories of change through humour. Vanessa bridges entertainment, business and academia. She has given over 100 presentations to an international audience of over 30 nationalities.

She is a Cambridge Wo + Men’s Leadership Center Associate and a Fellow of the Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (IKE Institute) which recognised her research work in innovation.

View Vanessa’s full bio here.

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