Come and sing Handel Messiah at Peterborough Cathedral on 19 March
February 21, 2022

Peterborough Cathedral Choir, Youth Choir and Festival Chorus are to be joined by Peterborough Choral Society and the musicians of Eboracum Baroque, for a performance of Handel’s Messiah on Saturday 19 March. The performance will take place at Peterborough Cathedral, starting at 7.00pm.
Anyone who would like to join the performers for the final rehearsal and to sing at the concert is invited to book a ‘Come and Sing’ place. If you would like to do this, please email to ask for more information. Early booking is advised as a limited number of places are available.
The non-singing audience can sit back and enjoy the arias and rousing choruses of the famous oratorio, including the much-loved ‘Hallelujah chorus’, accompanied by Eboracum Baroque on their period instruments.
The performance will be conducted by the Cathedral’s Director of Music, Tansy Castledine, who said: “Messiah is a choral classic and so rich in musical heritage; it will be a real pleasure to perform it in our beautiful Cathedral again, especially with our friends from Eboracum. Whether you want to come and sing or just to listen, I encourage you to join us. Messiah is such a masterpiece of composition that there’s something for everyone to enjoy.”
Tickets for the concert are £25, £20 or £15 (plus booking fee), with unreserved seating. To book visit the Cathedral’s Ticket Source page here Tickets to ‘Come and Sing’ are £20 per person and may be booked via