Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire keynote speaker at Chamber event to celebrate International Women’s Day
February 17, 2022

Delegates are encouraged to help create a gender equal world to celebrate International Women’s Day at Peterborough Cathedral on Tuesday 8 March. This annual, prestigious event in the Chamber calendar is expected to be another sell out with over 100 business people in attendance.
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Opening the event will be keynote speaker Julie Spence OBE QPM, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire. In April 2017, Julie Spence was appointed by Her Majesty The Queen as the 37th Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, the Sovereign’s representative in the County and a post that she will hold until 2030.
The event will allow delegates to delve into issues that are central to career development of women, debate ways to influence change, and take time to consider their own ambitions, aspirations and barriers.
Commenting on her involvement, Julie Spence OBE QPM, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, said: “I am delighted to be the speaker at the Chamber of Commerce International Women’s Day event. I will share my journey through teaching and progression through the Police force before being appointed by Her Majesty The Queen as the 37th Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, the Sovereign’s representative in the County.”
As part of the session, table workshops will allow delegates to discuss the journey of barriers we face in life and how to break the barriers at each stage.
International Women’s Day: #BreaktheBias
Tuesday 8 March, 9.30am-1.00pm
Peterborough Cathedral
Everyone in the workplace is welcome to attend regardless of gender and age – no one is excluded!
Tickets can be registered here > https://www.cambridgeshirechamber.co.uk/event/international-womens-day-2/