Reap the benefits of bringing personality to your LinkedIn page

October 6, 2021

Okay, it’s time to get personal – well, when it comes to LinkedIn at least!

Some will say that LinkedIn has become too much like Facebook – it’s not about B2B interactions any more, but simply people looking to get engagement by sharing the most emotive content (whether that’s related to work or not).

But to get meaningful engagement on social media, LinkedIn included, we know we need to be producing content that really appeals to people.

Here are six tips from Amy Bull – head of content at Peterborough-based PR and digital marketing specialists Media Matters – that you could try to show the personality behind your business, increase engagement and make LinkedIn work harder for you as a marketing channel:

1. Celebrate milestones
Don’t be afraid of ‘blowing your own trumpet’– particularly if you’re doing it in a way that celebrates the achievements of your hard-working team. Sharing good news and milestone achievements about anniversaries, awards and business growth can be a big morale boost for your team, whilst also demonstrating to a wider audience the knowledge within your business – positioning you as experts in your field.

2. Run a ‘meet the team’ campaign
Ask your team members if they would be up for taking part in a mini ‘meet the team’ campaign on your company’s LinkedIn page. This could be as simple as sharing a few facts about a team member on your page – helping people to ‘get to know’ who’s behind your business. This can really help show the personality behind your business, particularly in the world of remote working.

3. Share advice directly from your team
Ask a knowledgeable team member to answer a question in a few sentences and share this advice on your page. This could be top tips from a customer services representative on maintenance for one of your products or the head of a department focussing on something relevant to your sector that’s hit the headlines recently. And if they are feeling particularly brave, why not ask them to do this in video format?

4. Enable your employees to be active on their own profiles
Don’t forget that it’s not just about your company’s LinkedIn page, but what your employees are doing on their profiles too. You’ll want your employees to be positively engaging with your company posts but also reinforcing the good work you’re doing on your page with posts of their own.

Consider investing in some LinkedIn training to help equip your team with the knowledge – and confidence – to start sharing on their own profiles.

5. Share the results of your hard work
When you see engagement increasing on your LinkedIn page, share this achievement with your team. Let them know that it’s their involvement and own content creation that is helping to fuel that engagement. It brings to life just how effective LinkedIn can be as a platform and naturally encourages more people to ‘get on board’!

6. Show the faces behind your business
Don’t be camera shy! Whether you’re on a team outing together, or you’re sharing the latest product advice from a sales representative, use photos to help people put a face to a name. It can be as simple as sharing a great headshot photo of a team member alongside a relevant post or capturing a few action shots from a team building day.